Hillsborough County Schools Memorial Middle School, Referendum Phase 2
The Memorial Middle School Referendum Phase 2 project consisted of renovations to Buildings 1 and 6 and the entire campus for security and HVAC upgrades. The project was funded from the 1% sales tax referendum for Hillsborough County. The renovations in this historic, three-story Building 1 included a complete HVAC system replacement and upgrade, exterior envelope repairs, exterior window replacement, partial flooring upgrades, an Administration area renovation for a new secured entry point to the campus, and a renovation and upgraded Auditorium including new seating, stage lighting and chandelier lighting. The renovations within Building 1 required complete removal and replacement of the existing acoustical ceiling system and reconfiguration of the condensate drainage piping throughout the building. The renovations to the single story Building 6 include exterior stucco repairs and a complete repaint, HVAC equipment replacements of VAV boxes and in line duct heaters at AHU’s. The entire campus will have a security camera system upgrade and replacement as well as the addition of inline duct heaters at all AHU’s. This project will be completed over a single summer break requiring detailed coordination and sequencing of activities, beginning with early procurement of the mechanical equipment to ensure the delivery of very long lead components are received before the start of the work.
Hillsborough County Schools<
Tampa, FL
Jerel McCants Architecture, Inc.