Construction Begins on New Beachside Elementary in Daytona Beach
“Construction has officially begun on the new Beachside Elementary School in Daytona Beach. Representatives from the Volusia County school district, the city of Daytona Beach and the architecture (BRPH) and construction company (Ajax) working on the school gathered for a groundbreaking on Monday, for the new school which will replace the existing Ortona and Osceola elementary schools.” – Cassidy Alexander, The Daytona Beach News-Journal Go to
Ajax has been selected to consolidate the current two elementary schools, Ortona and Osceola. Both of the schools are from the 1950s-60s and many of the current buildings are experiencing moisture intrusion. This project will include the construction of a new 95,000 SF school which will house approximately 750 student stations on the existing approximate 11.9-acre Ortona site, as well as site re-development and demolition of the old campus.