University Of Florida – Powell Structures Lab (Silver LEED Award Winner)
LOCATION: Gainesville, Florida
OWNER: University Of Florida
BUDGET: $2,260,957
ARCHITECT: Long & Associates
PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The UF Powell Structures Lab is located on the former Florida Department of Transportation Materials Office site at 2006 Waldo Road in Gainesville, Florida. There were several Existing buildings on the site, which are to remain.
This Lab is a one story enclosed building with approximately 8,565 GSF to house a concrete testing area, several offices, an instrumentation area, necessary support spaces and a storage area. The concrete testing area required a 4-feet thick concrete floor foundation for the main testing area and strong walls. The interior has two 25-ton cranes for moving concrete test forms and have a clear height of 36 feet to the crane. The building needed to be sited to easily receive deliveries of approximately 40 long beams that will be brought by tractor-trailer.
In September 2006, this project was LEED certified by the U.S. Green Building CouncilGo to